Carmageddon: Total Destruction Racing 2000

From Carmageddon Wiki
(Redirected from Carmageddon TDR 2000)

Carmageddon: Total Destruction Racing 2000 was thought to be expanded title of Carmageddon: TDR 2000. However, no official releases use the name and it can be concidered highly unlikely game was ever called Total Destruction Racing. Still, error lives on and various respectable internet sources lists game as some variation of Total Destruction Racing 2000.


Name TDR 2000 is shortened form of The Death Race 2000. Early development screenshots shows name Carmageddon III: Death Race 2000 , before development team was forced to change it due to legal reasons.


Source of error seems to be German advert for TDR 2000. Rumor in the CWA-forum seems to have been that development team came up with backronym when asked about name, but as no traces of any SCI or Torus personnel using expanded name exist, it can be considered hoax.

Ackronym does exist as Total Destruction Racing, without the 2000 in German advert, but it is used as tagline there, not as part of the title. Full tagline says "Total Destruction Racing - Es Geht Weiter!" that translates into "Total Destruction Racing - It Goes On!"
