Talk:Carmageddon 64

Discussion page of Carmageddon 64

Here is the complete version of the text that greeted players of Carmageddon 64 when they started a new game:

"'The catastrophic effects of 'Red Friday', June 6th 2026, caused by unnaturally high solar activity, resulted in the fatal toxofication of the Earth's atmosphere and zombification of anyone exposed for too long.

The wise took refuge within the hastily constructed Climate Emulation Centers, from here they watched as the remaining population was ravaged by the toxic fumes. Although reasonably safe, for some life inside the domes was like a jail sentence. What started off as an isolated event in Old Detroit, where three individuals raced around a deserted indy-car circuit, grew to become a regular event staged in many great venues. Without prejudice, Carmageddon racers would collide with zombies who wandered onto the race route, resulting in the pulpification of the unfortunate undead. Inadvertently, they had stumbled on a fun solution to the zombie problem. The authorities were not slow to catch on... This event was to be known as The Carmageddon! The reward for these drivers? A new life in the sun drenched beaches on one of the off-world colonies. A life that only the ultra-rich could even dream about. For the drivers, the nature of the racing changed. As no one was marshalling these races, the events rapidly developed a new violent dimension. In this new climate of danger, the philosophy of all involved became as one: "Drive to Survive." "

In Germany, they got the weird Dinosaur version. Their game started with this wall of text:

"'The catastrophic effects of 'Red Friday', 6th June 2026, caused by unnaturally high solar activity, resulted in the fatal toxofication of the Earth's atmosphere and the random mutation of any creature exposed for too long. These poor creatures turned into Dinosaur-like nightmares.

The wise took refuge within the hastily constructed Climate Emulation Centres and although reasonably safe, for some life inside the domes was like a jail sentence. What started off as an isolated event in Old Detroit, where three individuals raced around a deserted indy-car circuit, grew to become a regular event staged in many great venues. Without prejudice, Carmageddon racers would collide with Dinosaurs who wandered onto the race route, resulting in the pulpification of the unfortunate creatures. Inadvertently, they had stumbled on a fun solution to the Dinosaur problem. The authorities were not slow to catch on... This event was to be known as The Carmageddon! The reward for these drivers? A new life in the sun drenched beaches on one of the off-world colonies. A life that only the ultra-rich could even dream about. For the drivers, the nature of the racing changed. As no one was marshalling these races, the events rapidly developed a new violent dimension. In this new climate of danger, the philosophy of all involved became as one: "Drive to Survive." "

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