The powerups in Carmageddon 2 come out from barrels and crates. There are different styles of these containers, and they reflect the type of item that will be given. There doesn't seem to exist much coherency in this, though.
The following is a list of all the game's 98 powerups. For the cheats, the first column indicates which text to write while the game is running to active the powerup. The second is the key(s) that need to be pressed when the LAPMYLOVEPUMP cheat is in effect.
These powerups affect the pedestrians in some way or another. They are usually found in red crates.
Name | Icon | Use | Amount | Cheat (string) | Cheat (key combo) | Brief description |
Dismemberfest | Timed | 30 seconds | OOHMESSYMESS | Ctrl+Shift+7 | Peds lose their body parts more easily. | |
Ethereal pedestrians | Timed | 30 seconds | XRAYSPEKS | Ctrl+Shift+8 | Peds are translucent and untouchable. | |
Explosive pedestrians! | Timed | 30 seconds | TWATOFF | 4 | Peds explode in a mess of blood when touched. | |
Fat bastards! | Timed | 30 seconds | HIPPOTART | Ctrl+Alt+3 | Peds grow wider and harder to hit. | |
Giant pedestrians! | Timed | 30 seconds | MEGABUM | 3 | Peds grow bigger and tougher. | |
Groovin' pedestrians! | Timed | 30 seconds | GETDOWN | Ctrl+Shift+9 | Peds start dancing without moving from their spot. | |
Helium filled pedestrians! | Timed | 30 seconds | FARTSUITS | Ctrl+Alt+1 | Peds float away when bumped into. | |
Immortal pedestrians | Timed | 30 seconds | ANGELMOLESTERS | Alt+Shift+3 | Peds can't be killed, at all. | |
Miniature pedestrians! | Timed | 30 seconds | TINYTOSS | Ctrl+8 | Peds shrink smaller and easier to kill. | |
Mutant corpses! | Timed | 30 seconds | STIFFSPASMS | Ctrl+4 | Corpses start having spasms when touched. | |
Piss-artist pedestrians! | Timed | 30 seconds | LARGEONE | Ctrl+Alt+2 | Peds walk around slowly as if they were drunk. | |
Slow motion pedestrians! | Timed | 30 seconds | EASYPEASY | Ctrl+7 | Peds move a lot slower. | |
Stick insects! | Timed | 30 seconds | BLOODYARTISTS | Ctrl+Alt+4 | Peds shrink thinner and weaker. | |
Stupid pedestrians | Timed | 30 seconds | LEMMINGIZE | Alt+Shift+6 | Peds are oblivious to the destruction around them. | |
Suicidal pedestrians | Timed | 30 seconds | TAKEMETAKEME | Alt+Shift+7 | Peds try their hardest to get killed. | |
Turbo pedestrians! | Timed | 30 seconds | FASTBAST | 6 | Peds move a lot faster. | |
Pedestrian electro-bastard ray | Timed | 30 seconds | FRYINGTONIGHT | Alt+5 | Peds within range are zapped and killed. | |
Pedestrian panic! | Timed | 30 seconds | MRMAINWARING | Ctrl+Alt+0 | Peds run around flailing their arms in panic. | |
Pedestrians shown on map | Whole race | DOTACTION | Alt+4 | Living peds show up on the map as blinking dots. | ||
Pedestrians with greased shoes! | Timed | 30 seconds | STICKITS | 2 | Peds don't get out of their spot when they try to run. | |
Pedestrians with stupid heads! | Timed | 30 seconds | GOODHEAD | Ctrl+3 | The ped's heads grow larger. |
These powerups affect the car's movement, aspect, performance or behavior in some way. They are usually found inside gray and yellow barrels.
Name | Icon | Use | Amount | Cheat (string) | Cheat (key combo) | Brief description |
Acme damage magnifier! | Timed | 30 seconds | STUFFITUP | Alt+7 | The damage caused to opponents is increased. | |
Bouncey bouncey! | Timed | 30 seconds | JIGAJIG | Alt+2 | Makes the car hop every once in a while. | |
Drink driving | Timed | 30 seconds | EVENINGOCCIFER | Caps+Shift+0 | Reverses the player's controls and triples his/her points. | |
Greased tyres! | Timed | 30 seconds | WOTATWATAMI | Alt+6 | Decreases the tires' grip a lot. | |
Grip-o-matic tyres! | Timed | 30 seconds | RUBBERUP | Ctrl+2 | Increases the tire's grip a lot, making it unstable. | |
Hot rod! | Timed | 30 seconds | CLINTONCO | 5 | Increases the car's acceleration and makes it difficult to control. | |
Instant handbrake! | Timed | 30 seconds | EYEPOPPER | Alt+Shift+2 | Makes the handbrake stop all momentum. | |
Instant repair! | Instantaneous | MINGMING | 9 | Instantly and fully repairs the car. | ||
Invulnerability! | Timed | 30 seconds | SUPACOCKS | 7 | Makes the car completely indestructible and undamageable. | |
Mega-turbo! | Timed | 30 seconds | SUPAWHIZZ | Alt+Shift+5 | Makes the car accelerate yet faster. | |
Oh dear, bodywork trashed! | Instantaneous | CLANGCLANG | Shift+3 | Makes the car drop most of its loose pieces. | ||
Oh dear, jelly suspension! | Timed | 30 seconds | MRWOBBLEY | Alt+3 | Messes with the car's suspension, making it look like its driving on jelly. | |
Rock springs | Timed | 30 seconds | DUFFRIDE | Ctrl+0 | Messes with the car's suspension, making it drive more solidly. | |
Solid granite car! | Timed | 30 seconds | BIGTWAT | Alt+Shift+9 | Increases the car's mass by a lot. | |
Turbo! | Timed | 30 seconds | WHIZZ | Alt+Shift+4 | Makes the car accelerate faster. | |
Turbo nutter bastard nitrous | Timed | 30 seconds | FURKINELL | Ctrl+9 | Makes the car accelerate a lot faster. | |
Underwater ability! | Timed | 2 minutes | WATERSPORT | Shift+1 | Negates the water's hindering physics. | |
Wall climber! | Timed | 30 seconds | STICKYTYRES | Alt+1 | Makes the tires stick to walls. |
These powerups add a certain number of slots or points to your APO. They are usually found in a pickup with a matching aspect, but can also be found inside green crates.
Name | Icon | Use | Amount | Cheat (string) | Cheat (key combo) | Brief description |
Bonus armour slots | Instantaneous | 3 slots | STRONGBONES | Caps+2 | Grants 3 armour slots. | |
Bonus offensive slots | Instantaneous | 3 slots | NASTYBONES | Caps+4 | Grants 3 offensive slots. | |
Bonus power slots | Instantaneous | 3 slots | FASTBONES | Caps+3 | Grants 3 power slots. | |
Bonus slots all round | Instantaneous | 3 slots | LOADSABONES | Caps+5 | Grants 3 slots for every type. | |
Double extra armour | Instantaneous | 2 points | OSOSTRONGSOSTRONG | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+0 | Grants 2 armour points. | |
Double extra everything | Instantaneous | 2 points | OSOVERSATILESOVERSATILE | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+3 | Grants 2 points of every type. | |
Double extra offensive | Instantaneous | 2 points | OSONASTYSONASTY | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+2 | Grants 2 offensive points. | |
Double extra power | Instantaneous | 2 points | OSOFASTSOFAST | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+1 | Grants 2 power points. | |
Extra armour | Instantaneous | 1 point | OSOSTRONG | Ctrl+Alt+6 | Grants an armour point. | |
Extra armour slot | Instantaneous | 1 slot | THATSALOTOFARMOUR | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+8 | Grants an armour slot. | |
Extra everything | Instantaneous | 1 point | OSOVERSATILE | Ctrl+Alt+9 | Grants a point of every type. | |
Extra offensive | Instantaneous | 1 point | OSONASTY | Ctrl+Alt+8 | Grants an offensive point. | |
Extra offensive slot | Instantaneous | 1 slot | THATSALOTOFOFFAL | Caps+0 | Grants an offensive slot. | |
Extra power | Instantaneous | 1 point | OSOFAST | Ctrl+Alt+7 | Grants a power point. | |
Extra power slot | Instantaneous | 1 slot | THATSALOTOFPOWER | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+9 | Grants a power slot. | |
Extra slots all round | Instantaneous | 1 slot | THATSALOTOFSLOTS | Caps+1 | Grants a slot of every type. | |
Max armour! | Instantaneous | STRINGVEST | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+4 | Maxes out armour points. | ||
Max everything! | Instantaneous | SKEGNESSES | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+7 | Maxes out all points. | ||
Max offensive! | Instantaneous | FISTNESSES | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+6 | Maxes out offensive points. | ||
Max power! | Instantaneous | VASTNESSES | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+5 | Maxes out power points. |
These powerups can be stored and used when the player finds the right time. They can be found inside barrels.
Name | Icon | Use | Amount | Cheat (string) | Cheat (key combo) | Brief description |
Afterburner! | Item | 10 seconds | HOTASS | Ctrl+Shift+1 | Makes the car accelerate faster. | |
Kangaroo on command! | Item | 3 uses | SKIPPYPOOS | Ctrl+Shift+4 | Makes the car jump. Can be used in mid-air. | |
Mine shitting ability! | Item | 10 uses | DIDEDODI | Ctrl+Shift+2 | Drops a mine from the car's rear. | |
Oil slicks from your arse! | Item | 5 uses | LIQUIDLUNGE | Ctrl+Shift+3 | Drops a pool of oil below the car. | |
Opponent repulsificator! | Item | 3 uses | POWPOW | Ctrl+Shift+6 | Springs nearby opponents. | |
Pedestrian annihilator! | Item | 3 uses | ZAZAZ | Ctrl+Shift+5 | Zaps any pedestrian within range. | |
Pedestrian flame-thrower! | Item | 15 uses | FRYFRY | Caps+Shift+1 | Launches a fireball that homes to the nearest ped, killing it. | |
Pedestrian repulsificator! | Item | 5 uses | COWCOW | Ctrl+Alt+5 | Springs nearby living pedestrians. | |
Pedestrian Valium | Item | 5 uses | INEEDAPILL | Caps+Shift+2 | Calms down all pedestrians momentarily. | |
Powerup cancellificatinizer | Item | 3 uses | OYPOWERUPNO | Caps+Shift+3 | Cancels powerups (not items) in effect. | |
Sever tail | Item | 1 use | (None) | Caps+Shift+5 | Cuts the mutant tail thing. | |
Slaughter mortar | Item | 3 uses | BONBON | Caps+Shift+6 | Shoots a mine from the car's front. |
These powerups do not fit in the previous categories.
Name | Icon | Use | Amount | Cheat (string) | Cheat (key combo) | Brief description |
5 free recovery vouchers | Whole race | PILLPOP | Alt+Shift+8 | Makes the next 5 recoveries free. | ||
Cloaking device | Timed | 30 seconds | GOTOINFRARED | Caps+Shift+7 | unused powerup. Unknown effect. | |
Credits | Instantaneous | WETWET | 0 | Grants the player some credits. | ||
Credits | Instantaneous | GLUGLUG | 1 | Grants the player more credits. | ||
Drugs!!! | Timed | 5 seconds | BLOODYHIPPY | Ctrl+1 | Makes the screen wobble and the color flash. | |
Free repairs! | Timed | 1 minute | TINGTING | 8 | Makes repairs free. | |
Frozen cops! | Timed | 30 seconds | BLUEPIGZ | Shift+6 | unused powerup. No effect. | |
Frozen opponents! | Timed | 30 seconds | BLUEBALZ | Shift+5 | Freezes opponents on their tracks. | |
Got 'im in the bollocks! | Instantaneous | (None) | Ctrl+Shit+0 | unused powerup. Grants credits. | ||
Gravity from Jupiter! | Timed | 30 seconds | LEDSLEDS | Ctrl+5 | Increases the global gravity. | |
Lunar gravity... | Timed | 30 seconds | MOONINGMINNIE | Shift+9 | Decreases the global gravity. | |
Mine | Instantaneous | (None) | Shift+4 | Causes an explosion that damages the car. | ||
Pinball mode! | Timed | 30 seconds | TILTY | Alt+0 | Makes everything ricochet with collisions. | |
Time bonus | Instantaneous | TIMMYTITTY | Shift+2 | Grants some extra time. | ||
Timer frozen! / Timer thaw! | Instantaneous | STOPSNATCH | F8 | Freezes or thaws the timer. | ||
Turbo cops! | Timed | 30 seconds | PIGSMIGHTFLY | Shift+8 | unused powerup. No effect. | |
Turbo opponents! | Timed | 30 seconds | SWIFTYSHIFTY | Shift+7 | Makes the opponents accelerate faster. | |
Wow! A mutant tail thing! | Whole race | BIGDANGLE | Caps+Shift+4 | Grows a spiked tail on the car's back. |
There are some other powerups that don't quite qualify as such, specially the "random powerup" powerups.
Name | Icon | Use | Amount | Cheat (string) | Cheat (key combo) | Brief description |
8-bit mine | Instantaneous | (None) | Ctrl+6 | Works like a regular mine. | ||
Random APO | RANDYPANDY | Caps+6 | Selects a random APO powerup. | |||
Random APO potential | RANDYPOT | Caps+7 | Selects a random APO powerup. | |||
Random good APO | RANDYQUAID | Caps+8 | Selects a random APO powerup. | |||
Random selection (28) | (None) | Alt+8 | Selects a random powerup. | |||
Random selection (29) | (None) | Alt+9 | Selects a random powerup. | |||
Random selection (30) | (None) | Alt+Shift+0 | Selects a random powerup. | |||
Random selection (31) | (None) | Alt+Shift+1 | Selects a random powerup. | |||
Time substitution powerup | (None) | Caps+9 | Selects a random APO powerup. |