
From Carmageddon Wiki
A screenshot of the powerup in action.
This powerup has no icons.
A powerup in Carma, Carma2, CarmaTDR, CarmaPS
Type Misc.
Use Instantaneous

The Mines are explosives that are scattered around the levels. They aren't quite powerups per se, because they generate an explosion rather than granting a power, but they share the same properties as powerups, so they're still classified as such. One of the few properties it doesn't share is that every level object can "collect" its pickup, something that's not true with other powerups (in some games).

The explosion caused by these mines causes damage to pedestrians and cars. The damaged caused to pedestrians is more than enough to kill them. The damage it causes to the car that touches it isn't enough to waste it, but it can do so if the car is already highly damaged.


Their pickups are unique and exclusive:

  • In Carmageddon, they are floating naval mines attached to chains, that also appear on dry land.
  • In the Splat Pack, be careful, because some red barrels may be disguised mines and will, again, harm your vehicle if you're unlucky to take damage from the "powerup".
  • In Carmageddon II, they are red and yellow barrels, with a skull and crossbones.
  • Carmageddon: TDR 2000 has them as naval mines on the water's surface, and land mines or red thin barrels on land.
  • Carmageddon for PlayStation has them as either rusty barrels or brown crates. Both have hazard markings and skull & crossbones on them.


To obtain it with cheats, press Shift+4 when in cheat mode.

If only the doors hit the mine, the car will just wobble a bit. This can be used to detonate mines without being damaged.

Technical data

Code number 14
Icon none
Fizzle type 1
Action index 30
Float parameters Min y strength: 2.0

Max y strength: 10.0
Max roll rate: 2
Max pitch rate: 2

Integer parameters none
Group inclusion 0
Pratcam sequence 21
Net type (?) none

Carmageddon II

To obtain it with cheats, press Shift+4 when in cheat mode.

Technical data

Code number 14
Icon none
Fizzle type 1
Action index 30
Float parameters Min y strength: 8.0

Max y strength: 15.0
Max roll rate: 4
Max pitch rate: 4

Integer parameters none
Group inclusion 0
Pratcam sequence 21
Flags (?) 0

Carmageddon: TDR 2000

Nothing to note.

Carmageddon (PlayStation)

Nothing to note.

See also

External links