
From Carmageddon Wiki
Carmageddon's Mega-turbo powerup icon. Carmageddon II's Mega-turbo powerup icon. Carmageddon TDR 2000's Mega-turbo powerup icon. Carmageddon (PlayStation)'s Mega-turbo powerup icon. Carmageddon 64's Mega-turbo powerup icon.
A powerup in Carma, Carma2, CarmaTDR, CarmaPS, Carma64
Type Car
Use Timed
Amount 30 seconds
20 seconds (CarmaTDR)
20 seconds (Carma64)

The Mega-turbo is an enhanced version of the Turbo, because it makes the car accelerate even faster. As such, it's more easily noticeable than turbo.


To obtain it with cheats, press Alt+Shift+5 when in cheat mode or type SOAPYTITWANKS.

Technical data

Code number 35
Icon cmturbo.PIX
Fizzle type 0
Action index 9
Float parameters Speed factor: 4

Grip multiplier: 1
Front suspension give multiplier: 1.0
Rear suspension give multiplier: 1.0
Front extra ride height: 0.0
Rear extra ride height: 0.0
Damping multiplier: 1.0

Integer parameters none
Group inclusion 7
Pratcam sequence 38
Net type (?) none

Carmageddon II

To obtain it with cheats, press Alt+Shift+5 when in cheat mode or type SUPAWHIZZ.

Technical data

Code number 35
Icon megaturbo
Fizzle type 0
Action index 9
Float parameters Speed factor: 4

Grip multiplier: 1
Front suspension give multiplier: 1.0
Rear suspension give multiplier: 1.0
Front extra ride height: 0.0
Rear extra ride height: 0.0
Damping multiplier: 1.0

Integer parameters none
Group inclusion 7
Pratcam sequence 38
Flags (?) none

Carmageddon: TDR 2000

Nothing to note.

Carmageddon (PlayStation)

Nothing to note.

Carmageddon 64

Nothing to note.

See also