
From Carmageddon Wiki
To Do: Add the fact that the icons change in shape or color in the same game, and explain why.
Care to do so?

Each powerup in the Carmageddon series has an icon that represents it, even Carmageddon for the Game Boy Color. This icon is shown on the game's HUD when the player obtains its powerup, and disappears when the powerup runs out. Normally, a timer or use counter is next to the icon.

Depending on whether it's a regular powerup or an item, the icons will show up on either the left part of the screen or the bottom. It depends on each game's HUD.

Logically, instantaneous powerups don't have icons.

Note: Icons are not to be confused with the pickups' graphics.


This is a list of the available icons. If "none" is used, nothing will appear on the left side of the HUD, not even the powerup's remaining time. In Carmageddon, these icons must end with .PIX in order for the data files to accept the powerup's icon. In Carmageddon on iOS, the icons are on the TDX format.

Name Image Funsize image Powerup
(Splat Pack only) cNUTTER N/A Turbo Nutter Bastard Nitrous
(Splat Pack only) SMICRO N/A Miniature Pedestrians
(Splat Pack only) SNAIL N/A Mollusc Pedestrians
c5vouch Free Recovery Vouchers
Ccfreze Frozen Cops
Cdamage Acme Damage Magnifier
Cexplo Explosive Pedestrians
chand Instant Handbrake
chotrod Hot Rod
Cinvuln Invulnerability
cmturbo Mega-turbo
Cofreze Frozen Opponents
Crepair Free Repairs
csolid Solid Granite Car
cturbo Turbo
cviewop Pedestrians From Hades
cviewped Pedestrians Shown on Map
Cwater Underwater Ability
Dgrease Greased Tyres
Dgrip Grip-o-matic Tyres
Dturbcop Turbo Cops
Dturbopp Turbo Opponents
Dturbped Turbo Pedestrians
sblind Blind Pedestrians
sbounce Bouncy Bouncy
Sdrugs Drugs
selectro Pedestrian Electro-bastard Ray
Sgiant Giant Pedestrians
sglue Pedestrians Glued to the Ground
Sgravj Gravity From Jupiter
sgravm Lunar Gravity
sharvest Pedestrian Harvest
Sjelly Jelly Suspension
srockspr Rock Springs
Srubber Pinball Mode
svus Vesuvian Corpses
Swall Wall Climber
cirepair N/A Instant Repair
ctimer N/A Timer Frozen or Time Bonus
sgrav N/A A powerup that swaps the gravity?


  • cirepair, ctimer and sgrav are only icons on the Funsize port. In the original game's files, these powerups have their icons set to none.
  • In the original Carmageddon, Pedestrian Respawn has its icon set to Cpfreze.PIX

Carmageddon II

"none" has the same effect it has in Carmageddon.

Name Image Powerup
afterburner Afterburner
bollocks Got 'im in the bollocks
bouncybouncy Bouncy Bouncy
CANCELOUT Powerup Cancellificatinizer
cloak Cloaking Device
damagemag Acme Damage Magnifier
dismemeber Dismemberfest
drugs Drugs
DRUNK Drink Driving
electrobast Pedestrian Electro-bastard Ray
etherialpeds Ethereal Pedestrians
explopeds Explosive Pedestrians
fatbast Fat Bastards
freerecovery Free Recovery Vouchers
frerepar Free Repairs
frozencops Frozen Cops
frozenoppos Frozen Opponents
giantped Giant Pedestrians
gravityJupit Gravity From Jupiter
greasedtyres Greased Tyres
greesedpeds Pedestrians With Greased Shoes
gripomatic Grip-o-matic Tyres
groovinpeds Groovin' Pedestrians
heliumpeds Helium-filled Pedestrians
hotrod Hot Rod
immortpeds Immortal Pedestrians
insthbrake Instant Handbrake
invulner Invulnerability
jellysusp Jelly Suspension
kangeroo Kangaroo on Command
lunargravity Lunar Gravity
megaturbo Mega-turbo
minemortar Slaughter Mortar
mineshitter Mine Shitting Ability
minipeds Miniature Pedestrians
mutantcorpse Mutant Corpses
NAPALM Pedestrian Flamethrower
oilslick Oil Slicks From Your Arse
opprepulse Opponent Repulsificator
pedanihilator Pedestrian Annihilator
pedpanic Pedestrian Panic
pedrepulse Pedestrian Repulsificator
pedsonmap Pedestrians Shown on Map
pinball Pinball Mode
pissed Piss-artist Pedestrians
rocksring Rock Springs
slowmopeds Slow Motion Pedestrians
solidgranite Solid Granite Car
stickinsekt Stick Insects
stupidheds Pedestrians With Stupid Heads
stupidpeds Stupid Pedestrians
suicidalpeds Suicidal Pedestrians
TAIL Mutant Tail Thing
TAILCUT Sever Tail
turbo Turbo
turbobast Turbo Nutter Bastard Nitrous
turbocops Turbo Cops
turbooppos Turbo Opponents
turboped Turbo Pedestrians
underwater Underwater Ability
VALIUM Pedestrian Valium
wallclimber Wall Climber


  • The icon bollocks exists, but it doesn't have a graphic.

Carmageddon TDR: 2000

The icons' numbers are taken from their image file and position in the Assets\Stuff\hud.pak\Powerups* files, starting with 0.

Note that some icons are shared, specially between unused powerups. In addition, there are 11 more icons, but these were never really meant to be used.

Number Image Powerup
64 (NBP only) Hovercraft Car
66 (NBP only) Smoke Mines
65 (NBP only) Wheel Spikes
67 (NBP only) Bad Gas
68 (NBP only) Meteor Storm
8 Acme Damage Magnifier
0 Afterburner, Mega-turbo, Turbo, Turbo Nutter Bastard Nitrous
58 Artillery Shell, Rocket Fuel Drum
5 Bouncy Bouncy
32 Brake Failure
61 Car Stealer
11 Catch Powerup, Rock Springs
30 Dismemberfest
14 Reversed Controls
50 Drugs
31 Ethereal Pedestrians
18 Explosive Pedestrians
36 Fat Bastards
42 Free Recovery Vouchers
41 Free Repairs
44 Frozen Cops
43 Frozen Opponents
59 Fuse
17 Giant Pedestrians
51 Gravity From Jupiter
7 Greased Tyres
12 Grip-o-matic Tyres
16 Groovin' Pedestrians, Pedestrians With Greased Shoes, Piss-artist Pedestrians
34 Helium-filled Pedestrians
1 Hot rod
22 Immortal Pedestrians
9 Instant Handbrake
2 Invulnerability
6 Jelly Suspension
13 Kangaroo on Command
63 Lead Foot
48 Lunar Gravity
52 Mine Shitting Ability
28 Miniature Pedestrians
26 Money Bag, Mutant Corpses
56 Mutant Tail Thing
57 Nuclear Bomb, Piece of the Bomb
53 Oil Slicks From Your Arse
47 Opponent Repulsificator
29 Pedestrian Annihilator
21 Pedestrian Electro-bastard Ray
54 Pedestrian Flamethrower
33 Pedestrian Panic
38 Pedestrian Repulsificator
20 Pedestrians Shown on Map
25 Pedestrians With Stupid Heads
15 Piece of an Engine
49 Pinball Mode
60 Powerup Cancellificatinizer
35 Reverse Pinball Mode
62 Sever Tail
39 Shattering Pedestrians
55 Slaughter Mortar
27 Slow Motion Pedestrians
10 Solid Granite Car
37 Stick Insects
23 Stupid Pedestrians
24 Suicidal Pedestrians
46 Turbo Cops
45 Turbo Opponents
19 Turbo Pedestrians
3 Underwater Ability
4 Wall Climber
40 Unknown

Carmageddon (PlayStation)

Image Powerup

Carmageddon 64

Image Powerup

Carmageddon (Game Boy Color)

Image Powerup
Kangaroo on Command
Oil Slicks From Your Arse
Slaughter Mortar
File:Icon CGBC reset.png Timer Reset


  • In Carmageddon, the Pedestrians From Hades' icon filename is cviewop ([Circle] View Opponents), indicating that, initially, opponents weren't shown on map, and players had to use this powerup to see them. Given that, in the final game, this powerup isn't fully implemented and that the icon is an eye with an O, the original idea seems to have been dropped fairly late in development.

See also

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