Explosive Pedestrians

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(Redirected from Explosive pedestrians)
Explosive Pedestrians
Carmageddon's Explosive Pedestrians powerup icon. Carmageddon II's Explosive Pedestrians powerup icon. Carmageddon TDR 2000's Explosive Pedestrians powerup icon. Carmageddon 64's Explosive Pedestrians powerup icon.
A powerup in Carma, Carma2, CarmaTDR, Carma64
Type Ped
Use Timed
Amount 30 seconds; 15 in CarmaTDR; 20 in Carma64

The Explosive Pedestrians powerup makes all pedestrians in the level explode upon contact. Any collision, no matter how soft, will make the body parts of a pedestrian fly off everywhere, granting a good amount of splatter bonuses. In Carmageddon: TDR 2000, in addition to breaking into pieces, the pedestrians literally explode, capable of damaging the car, so this powerup actually turns out to be a bad one in this game.


To obtain it with cheats, press 5 when in cheat mode or type SUPERHOOPS.

Technical data

Code number 4
Icon Cexplo.PIX
Fizzle type 0
Action index 3
Float parameters none
Integer parameters none
Group inclusion 0
Pratcam sequence 38
Net type (?) 1

Carmageddon II

To obtain it with cheats, press 4 when in cheat mode or type TWATOFF.

Technical data

Code number 4
Icon explopeds
Fizzle type 0
Action index 3
Float parameters none
Integer parameters none
Group inclusion 2048
Pratcam sequence 38
Flags (?) 67

Carmageddon: TDR 2000

Nothing to note.

Carmageddon 64

Nothing to note.

See also