
From Carmageddon Wiki
A screenshot of the powerup in action.
Carmageddon's Drugs powerup icon. Carmageddon II's Drugs powerup icon. Carmageddon TDR 2000's Drugs powerup icon.
A powerup in Carma, Carma2, CarmaTDR
Type Misc.
Use Timed
Amount 5 seconds

The Drugs!!! powerup (known as Woooaaaaahhh!!! in Carmageddon TDR 2000), causes a bold visual effect that represents and parodies drug use. It causes the screen to wobble, and makes the screen palette oscillate between bright clashing colors. The shaking screen and weird colors are intended to put off the player, catching them off-guard and making it difficult to see what's going on.

Due to the effect's nature, for some people it could possibly trigger an epileptic seizure. Luckily, it only lasts for 5 seconds and is not common.


To obtain it with cheats, press Ctrl+1 when in cheat mode or type INTHELOFT.

Technical data

Code number 41
Icon Sdrugs.PIX
Fizzle type 1
Action index 13
Float parameters none
Integer parameters none
Group inclusion 0
Pratcam sequence 39
Net type (?) none

Carmageddon II

To obtain it with cheats, press Ctrl+1 when in cheat mode or type BLOODYHIPPY.

Technical data

Code number 41
Icon drugs
Fizzle type 1
Action index 13
Float parameters none
Integer parameters none
Group inclusion 0
Pratcam sequence 39
Flags (?) none

Carmageddon: TDR 2000

Nothing to note.


  • The smiley face icon for this powerup has a meaning… In the late 1980s illegal raves grew in popularity in the UK, where clubbers would regularly take Acid (better known as LSD). A yellow smiley face was considered an emblem for Acid House, a genre of music that spawned from these events and the drug.

See also