Clear the Decks

From Carmageddon Wiki
Carmageddon TDR 2000 mission
Clear the Decks
The mission's map.
Location Docks
Type(s) Targets
Time Unknown
Targets 1 ship
Items 3 bomb pieces
Goals 2

To Do: Add the time (easy) to the info panel.
Care to do so?
To Do: Add the time (normal) to the info panel.
Care to do so?
To Do: Add the time (hard) to the info panel.
Care to do so?

Clear the Decks is the second mission in The Docks and the eighth in the game.
The player has to sink the cargo ship that has blocked in the Tugboat - and not go down with the ship themselves.


To make an impression, you can't beat the wholesale destruction of maritime equipment.


You'll need another small-to-medium sized car. The Witch Doctor and SXE Black Hatch will be driving around, but don't pose much of a threat and don't need to be wasted.

It's time to collect three bomb pieces again! The first is in the train station behind you.

Now go North East, to the road behind the Chemical Factory - This is where the three large pipes join the ground. Drive on to and up the right-hand orange pipe. The second piece is on the platform at the end.

Drop off to the ground below. Check your map and go to the Northern dock, where the third bomb piece is waiting at the end of the pier.

After the cutscene, get to the Southern docks, quickly. At the south end of these docks is a small ramp you can use to get onto the cargo ship's deck. Drive to the front of the ship, around the containers, and drop down the hole.

Place the bomb as indicated - now you're two floors down, and need to escape. Drive straight on, then hairpin right in the next room to go up the staircase. Careful not to drive too far forward on this floor or you'll fall in the hole!
Turn 180 degrees again at the end. Head down this corridor, slightly down the left into the next room. Go straight forward at speed, through the upward-facing tube. You're out!

See also

Missions in Carmageddon TDR 2000 (cat)
Hollowood Send in the Sharks · Pop the Sucker · Going Ape Back of Beyond Summer Nuke Fest · Red Mist · No Nukes is Good Nukes
The Slums Slum Like it Hot · Traffic Jam · The Jump Necropolis Population Control · Look Out Below · Big Brother
The Docks Juice Up · Clear the Decks · Got a New Motor The Bridge The Great Divide
High Rise Launch the Statue · The Rich Switch · Blow the Joint Police State Checkout Day · Destroy the Behemoth · Armageddon!
Military Let's Go to Work · Duel in the Arena · Tanks a Lot