Stupid Pedestrians

From Carmageddon Wiki
(Redirected from Blind pedestrians)
Stupid Pedestrians
Carmageddon's Stupid Pedestrians powerup icon. Carmageddon II's Stupid Pedestrians powerup icon. Carmageddon TDR 2000's Stupid Pedestrians powerup icon.
A powerup in Carma, Carma2, CarmaTDR, Carma64
Type Ped
Use Timed
Amount 30 seconds; 15 in CarmaTDR, 20 in Carma64

The Stupid Pedestrians powerup, known as Blind Pedestrians in Carmageddon, causes all pedestrians on the level to be stupid. They aren't clever enough to understand what a death race is, or the fact that there is a vehicle coming at them right now. Sounding the horn will make them scream and run around in panic, as they don't know what caused that noise. When running, they might even smack against walls and vehicles. They calm down shortly after.

In Carmageddon, this powerup is named differently, but it's still the same powerup. The effects are the same: pedestrians lose the ability to be aware of eminent death. Another similarity is that blind pedestrians also run around aimlessly in panic when the horn is sound. In addition, the action index is exactly the same in both games.


To obtain it with cheats, press Alt+Shift+6 when in cheat mode or type HAMSTERSEX.

Technical data

Code number 36
Icon sblind.PIX
Fizzle type 1
Action index 24
Float parameters none
Integer parameters none
Group inclusion 0
Pratcam sequence 38
Net type (?) 1

Carmageddon II

To obtain it with cheats, press Alt+Shift+6 when in cheat mode or type LEMMINGIZE.

Technical data

Code number 36
Icon stupidpeds
Fizzle type 1
Action index 24
Float parameters none
Integer parameters none
Group inclusion 0
Pratcam sequence 38
Flags (?) 67

Carmageddon TDR: 2000

Nothing to note.

Carmageddon 64

Nothing to note.

See also